Starving the Exam Stress Gremlin

Starving the Exam Stress Gremlin
| by Kate Collins-Donnelly
NZ$ 45.00
NZ$ 35.00 including GST
NZ$ 30.44 excluding GST
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Part of the award-winning Starve the Gremlin series and full of engaging activities, this self-help workbook explains what exam stress is, how it develops and the impact it can have - providing the reader with an understanding of their own exam stress. Rooted in cognitive behavioural therapy, it is also bursting with strategies to help the reader manage their exam stress by changing how they think and act.

Starving the Exam Stress Gremlin can be completed independently by young people aged 10+ or with supervision, and with exam stress on the rise among our young people, this invaluable resource will also be of interest to school counsellors, teaching staff, youth workers and social workers and parents.

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